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Be Grateful, Gratitude

We all are so busy in our routine life, that we hardly get time to reflect on our own mind, our own thoughts. In this, we always forget to be grateful for what we have!

It has become so important now, for all of us to be grateful, because many of us always talk about what we don't have! and become sad and carry dull face the whole day, forgetting that God is giving us so much every day!

If we take a close look at everything, then we will realize that everything is a gift!
Let us see how!
I think many of us have been stuck inside the elevator for at least a few minutes. For those few minutes, definitely, suffocation was felt, and the moment we came out, we felt relieved and, we inhaled a deep breath in!  We felt so grateful for air at that moment, right? At that point, we realized how air is important to us, and now we breathe so much air every day but still not grateful and happy about it! The air we breathe is the biggest and free gift God has given to us! 

Think about the day, when there was a water cut at your place, how you felt? irritated, right? And when finally, you had water at your place, what was your reaction? felt so happy and grateful? right? 
Now think of villages where, people have to travel long distances to get a bucket of water, or think of villages where water comes after 7,8 days! Be grateful that you have so much water for all your needs and you get that effortlessly also. 

I know that everyone pays for the food they eat, but imagine, what if there were no trees, or if no trees had fruit or vegetables, then? your money would have been of no use! what I mean to say here is nature, god itself is pouring so much on to us, and we should be grateful for that.

These are a few basic things which we usually don't consider to be grateful for, but we should be because those are basic things for us to survive! Change your perception and see, you will noticed how blessed you are!

I have read one story of a devotee, which I would like to share.
So there was one devotee who had immense faith in God, and he always use to say that, God will do only good, and what is best for me at any given point. So one day when he was out, a storm came and his hut was shattered and broken, only some part of his roof was retained. Then he came back home with a few of his friends. Watching the condition of his hut, his friends said, look how god is!, You did so much for him, helped people, did all good things and in return, you got this! On this the devotee replied no-no god is so good, look he kept some part of the roof saved for me, otherwise, the storm was so powerful that whole hut would have collapsed!

Finding good in any situation is going to help you a lot, being grateful for what you have and what has happened, is also going to make you wise and happy as well!

Consider, that you don't want to be grateful, then what will happen?? You will start blaming yourself and others too! all the time. There would be less or no enthusiasm and happiness! You might also over-analyze things and yourself too much, which in turn increases your stress, sadness and might increase your ego also. Whenever the ego for unnecessary things gets increased then you become miserable. For example, lets say I eat, because I earn, and that is true if you don't earn you won't get to eat! But with this also remember that it is because of nature, trees produce fruits, vegetables and hence you can eat otherwise what would you eat?? So be grateful!

It is a good exercise to express gratitude daily, for what you have or what has happened! Start writing daily 5 things you are grateful for and try not to repeat things on your list. Research says that being grateful will rewire your brain to be happy and will eliminate all the negativity you carry in your brain! Just 40 days of this exercise will do so good to you. MRI scan shows that part of your brain visibly grows as you continue to feel and express gratitude for 40 days. Once you start doing this, your awareness will grow, you will feel fresh, you will start enjoying small things which you never noticed. And as days will pass you will start finding happiness in everything you do! For example, you will be happy for the switches you have everywhere, to on and off electrical gadgets, otherwise, how would you have operated it? it would have been difficult without switches!

Just by taking 5 mins for being grateful is very important. And also, we have often heard one proverb which says " One who has, will be given more, and who does not have, whatever he has will also be taken away! " So if you will be grateful for what you have more will be given to you, you will get more opportunity to be grateful in your life!


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