Pranayama is a Breathing Technique. The word prana means life force energy and Yama is to regulate or lengthen. So pranayama is basically to regulate or lengthen your life force energy or to control it. When your prana is high, you feel good and when your prana is low you feel sad, anxious, etc. To control these tendencies it is suggested to do pranayama. When you do pranayama you feel light, peaceful, and happy. You can notice your breath when you are happy and when you are sad, you will definitely notice some difference. Also, it is said that some six months before you fall sick your prana shows up some signs of it. Those are very subtle changes. Hence doing pranayama regularly may possibly eliminate occurring sickness. While doing pranayama, you change the pattern of your breath. Breath is linked with our mind, so changing the breath can change our minds as well . Different types of pranayama have a different impact on us. Must-Do Prana...
In this fast-paced world, wherever we go, we will see a lot of competition. And many times we think we are not good as others are, or we start finding faults in ourselves. Which is not a healthy thing to think about! Many people are undergoing depression and stress because of low self-esteem. So to overcome all these things we need to do a few things and also need to understand life from a different perspective. Know that everything here is temporary! If we take a close look at everything around us, we will notice that everything is going to die or expire at some point time, if not now then later. Things we purchase have an expiry date on them, our feelings are temporary, one moment we feel very happy, and at another moment we feel sad or anxious or angry. Thoughts are temporary, So like this, our life is also temporary. One day we all are going to die. This doesn't mean that we should not do anything and just sit and enjoy it or be sad. No! Before we die let's ...